A Holy Utterance
“Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to live, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray. ” Proverbs 10:17
This was my verse of the day. I have to admit; I was not overjoyed with this selection. I wonder how the “Verse of the Day” people picks their verses? I also wonder how no matter what the day and no matter what the verse, it always is just precisely what I need to hear that day?
There is a particular responsibility that comes with being a Scribe4God (That sounds cool, right?). Take writing a devotion. I am quoting the scriptures, God’s word and then I am writing a devotional about that verse. I have a responsibility to make sure I know and understand the context of the verse, the author of the verse and understand the practical applications of the verse. If I were to ignore my responsibility, I would then cause other’s to possibly wander down a wrong path.
I am in the process of writing a book of devotions and have a writing coach to help me. We meet on Friday afternoons, and she looks at what I have done and where I need to make changes. All this so that I will be able to someday, publish the book that God has put on my heart to write.
That afternoon, I was super excited and super nervous to hear what she had to say. I had, the week before sent her the first part of my manuscript to read.
That morning, during my prayer time, this is the verse I was meditating on:
“Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to live, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray. ” Proverbs 10:17
I knew God was talking about my upcoming meeting with my writing coach. I knew God was letting me know I was going to receive words of correction. I also knew He wanted me to make sure I heeded the words offered to me in correction.
After a few moments of swallowing my pride and putting my heart back in my chest, I was able to rebalance and find the soft spot in my heart where I could see God’s correction as the blessing it was. I am both responsible and humble in my role as a Scribe4God and grateful for the “verse of the day” that morning.
The correction that came that day was nothing terrible; it didn’t take me out the game. It did, however, correct my aim and put me back on track to be successful in pursuit of a God-given dream.
The Word of God is a living, breathing work. It has always been the right word at the right time. It will still be the right word at the right time.
As Warriors of Hope, we heed the holy utterances of our God. Let us pray for hearts that submit.
Heavenly Father, today we choose to receive your correction with an open heart and an open mind. The moments when we hear the words that are hard to swallow, we ask for your help to not reject the truth. We also ask for discernment to always recognize truth. Lord, hear my prayers. Amen
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One Comment
Maree Dee
I agree God’s word is always right. I love that you have a writing coach. If you get a chance or have a little extra time I would love to talk further with you about this either by phone or email. Maree.dee@embracingtheuenxpected.com. I would love to know how you found one, how it works, how it feels, etc.