Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards Men
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:11-14
Today we celebrate the second week of Advent and will be lighting the candle of peace. Last week we talked about how we find hope in Jesus as the Prince of Peace, the giver of peace. This week we are going to look at what we are to do with the peace that became part of us when Jesus came into this world.
How do you define peace? What do you do when life feels chaotic? How can you bring the gift of peace to your family and friends? To those that are hurting, suffering or grieving?
We can be both peace-keepers and peace-makers because we follow Christ. By embodying the peace we have found through Christ we can share the gift of peace with others.
Imagine for a minute, a holiday meal with your extended family. You spent the whole morning preparing the meal; you have cut, chopped, braised, sauteed, stirred and mixed all deliciousness of a fine dining experience with the expectation of blessing your family with a fantastic meal.
The table is set with the silverware in its proper order, cloth napkins folded and tucked under the plates, you are even using a tablecloth! Father proudly places the main course in the center of the table, mom and mom-in-law scatter the ideal side dishes across the long table.
A gentle hush takes over the room as we bow our heads to pray. Ah, this is what it means to have peace. All is well, we sit down and start passing the food around the table. The children are saying please and thank you, and you are beaming from ear to ear because the meal is looking like a success. Until….that one comment is made, you know the one…..”So, why did you decide to cook the turkey this way?” or “Are these canned yams?” The peace has been broken. A thief has joined the party and attempted to take your piece of peace from you.
Does peace have to be this fleeting? How can we stop the thief from stealing our peace at that moment? We have the power within us to do so.
Or, imagine this for a minute: A mother with a heavy heart for the lack of stockings hung by the chimney with care, due to the children she never had: a wife with a big insurance check but an empty recliner where her husband of 40 years once hogged the remote control. A young girl who has made the best macaroni necklace ever and even wrapped it herself, but the one it was for is now gone.
Friends, we are the miracle each of these people needs this Christmas season. God has placed in us, here on earth, the peace of Christ so that we can be the miracle of good will towards our fellow men and women.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
God has called us to be peacemakers in our world. We can help to bring peace to those around us one heart at a time. We can extend an invitation to go to coffee with a friend that is hurting and just wants to talk. We can be a voice of calm and encouragement to the mom who is frazzled. We can offer to go to the movies with the widow who is feeling alone for the first Christmas ever. We can tame our tongues at the family Christmas dinner and be intentional about our compliments.
My challenge, if you wish to accept it is this…..Find one way, within your group of friends and family, to be a miracle of peace. Let me know in the comments below that you have accepted the challenge and what your offering of peace is this Christmas season.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14 KJV
Heavenly Father let us be the peace on earth, let it begin with us. Inspire us to find new and unique ways to offer the gift of your peace to others. So as we celebrate your birthday, we say glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Amen

One Comment
What a great reminder of how we can be peacemakers in our daily life! I will watch for ways to do this!