Four Biblical Examples of Friendship
“Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart…” (I Peter 1:22)
In our third week of love we look at Philia (Pronounced: FILL-ee-uh)) – Friendship love. Philia is defined as “affectionate regard, friendship”, usually “between equals.” Strong’s Greek Dictionary defines it as, “to have affection for (denoting personal attachment, as a matter of sentiment or feeling).”
Looking at our verse today about friendship, I notice two things right away. The use of the word fervently, which means enthusiastic and the word pure. In our four examples of friendship found in the Bible, we will see how Jesus loved His friends both fervently and with a pure heart.
Brotherhood of Friendship
John, the self-proclaimed favorite of Jesus, is one of my favorite examples of friendship in the Bible. This is not a minor friendship, but a brotherhood type of friendship. This is the friend you not only trust with your own life but the friend you would lay your life down for.
When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman,here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. – John 19:26
When our children were little, we had to make a decision about who would take care of them if anything were to happen to us. It was an easy decision to make, my sisters, who are also my best friends would fervently step into the role with a pure heart.
Here we see Jesus trusting His mother, His family with the man whom He calls a
Mary, Martha, Lazarus and Jesus
Mary, Martha, and their brother, Lazarus, lived together in Bethany, a small town in Judaea, near Jerusalem. As implied through scripture, Jesus considered these three to be close friends.
Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Laz’arus. – John 11:5
When Lazarus became sick, Mary and Martha sent Jesus a message: “Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.”
As the story unfolds, Jesus, after the time of Lazarus death, returns to Judea. It is important to note that earlier in Judea, the people had threatened to stone Jesus to death. But because of the bonds of friendship, He returns and raises Lazarus from the dead.
While they walked to Lazarus’s tomb, Jesus wept, and the people said, “Behold how [Jesus] loved him!”
Jesus comforts His friends Mary and Martha. These passages emphasize how we have a God who cares. Jesus cares enough about us too to weep with us in our sorrows.
A Friendship Betrayed
Judas sold Jesus, his master, his friend. Have you ever experienced betrayal in a friendship? It is normal for us to experience disappointments and minor betrayals in our relationships. But how do we handle the big disappointments?
“What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver.– Matthew 26:15
Let’s look at this a different way. What if we are the one who could potentially betray our friend? We cannot control what others do, but we have control in two area’s here that are important to note. 1.) How we behave and 2.) How we react to other peoples behavior towards us.
Jesus, being all knowing, choose Judas to be His disciple and friend, knowing he would one day betray Him. We can be certain in our humanness, we too will one day be betrayed and one day
The heart needs to be prepared at all times to know how to walk out the work of forgiveness, both in the receiving and in the asking.

Jesus as our friend
Jesus is first our Lord, our Savior, our King and our Master. But how do you feel about calling Him your friend?
There are several attributes of Jesus that we look for in our best friends, but we will just look at three today.
Jesus always listens to us. We can talk to Him about anything at any time through prayer and He will never interrupt us, tell us to wait or make us feel unimportant.
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12
Jesus loves you unconditionally. You cannot do anything to make Him stop loving you. No matter what your past holds, no matter how messy your circumstances become, His love is ever flowing.
The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. Jeremiah 3:13
Jesus wants the best for you. He will always have your best interest in His heart. Unlike some of our earthly friends, there is no selfish ambition or hidden agenda. He will help you in making good choices and will encourage you in your dreams, making it possible for you what your heart desires.
Jesus is someone we can always rely on and turn to during troubled times. What is your favorite thing about having a friendship with Jesus?
Heavenly Father I love that you are my best friend. I pray for you to forge new friendships in my life that transform me to live fully as you have made me. I pray for enduring friendships designed by you. Bless my current friendships and spur me on to be a better friend to others. Thank you for the gift of friendship, may I honor you in all my relationships. Amen

One Comment
Rebecca Jones
I was still so amazed to see Him call Judas, friend, even as he comes to betray Him. In John.