How to Become A Warrior of Hope
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
Big Announcement!
I wrote a book. It is a 30-Day devotional called A Warrior of Hope. The devotional is based on Romans 5:13. Today we will look at how you are called to be a Warrior of Hope!
Hope is real, but for some people, it feels unattainable. Someone who has lost hope feels alone and helpless. You can come alongside them and bring the message of hope, the good news of Jesus Christ and all it has to offer.
When you bring hope, you bring life.
In my book, A Warrior of Hope, I share personal stories, Scripture passages, and positive affirmations to remind you of God’s provisions and promises so that you can become a Warrior of Hope.
How to Become a Warrior of Hope
Be a miracle of hope. Making the blind to see. Turning water into wine. These are not your everyday miracles, but miracles do happen every day. Everyday miracles often go unnoticed.
You, too, can be someone’s miracle. As a Warrior of Hope, you can share the moments of hope you have experienced with those around you.
I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13
You will bring hope to others by accepting them as they are, faults and all. You can show love through a hug or a kind word. Show appreciation for others by praising and thanking them. Connecting with others by going into their world and helping provides the practical hope they need now. You encourage others by urging them to hang in there.
You can be someone else’s everyday miracles.
Share the road map to hope. – What better way to show hope than to point people to Jesus. To live your faith out loud is to be a walking testimony to what the Lord is doing in your life.
Share the good news with someone today!
Show me the path where I should walk, O LORD; point out the right road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All-day long I put my hope in you. Psalm 25:4-5 (NLT)
Remind others of the promise of hope. – God’s promises are a spoken or written commitment. If God says He will do something, then He will. If God says He will refrain from doing something, He will. There are hundreds of promises in the Bible. Many of the devotions in my book, A Warrior of Hope, are based upon those promises.
Reminding someone who is feeling down of God’s promises, is sure to bring them hope.
Remember your promises to me, for it is my only hope. Psalm 119:49 (NLT)
The Warrior of Hope Manifesto
Our thoughts can often tend towards the negative. Using positive affirmations can help us challenge and change these negative thought patterns. When we claim the positive thought as our truth, the negative lie will vanish.
In my book, A Warrior of Hope, I use one positive affirmation in each devotion to declare the truth of the Word of God over our lives. If you put all 31 (yup, you get a bonus devotion) together, you have the Warrior of Hope Manifesto. Today, I am providing you with a link to your own free, printable copy of the Warrior of Hope Manifesto.
So, hop on over to Amazon, order your copy of A Warrior of Hope, and use this free resource to accompany your 30-day journey to becoming a Warrior of Hope!
I pray God will use A Warrior of Hope to remind you of the hope you have in Christ Jesus, so you can continue your journey to bring hope to others.
To order your copy of the book, click on the picture below.