Where the Wild Things Live
Immediately the Spirit drove him into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and the angels were serving him. Mark 1:12-13 (CSB)
I have struggled to find ways to quiet my mind and find solitude with Christ. I am not just talking about a regular quiet time with the Lord, but that also can be a struggle. What I am talking about is those moments throughout the day when my mind has wandered off into a frenzy of disillusion.
The other day, I had taken a particularly rough call at work. Emotions were high on both of our parts, and the call left me wanting to find peace in the moment. But instead of seeking refuge in the Lord and letting His Word, His truths pour over my heart, I took my emotions for a stroll through everything that was wrong with this person and how unfairly I had been treated.
So often, we can let emotions and feelings push our minds into the wilderness where the wild things live. The temptation to feel victimized, the hunger to be affirmed in our “rightness,” or the desire to get control of our little world is heavy.
When we struggle to quiet our minds and corral our thoughts, Jesus understands. Jesus knows the temptation which comes from being alone in the wilderness, even the self-imposed wilderness of our thought life. He is intimately aware of our dilemma. But, oh, how He longs to minister to our needs!
Satan is an angel who rebelled against God. He is real, and he is out to get to everyone who is a follower of Jesus. He began his plan to try to pull us into sin by tempting Eve in the garden. He tries to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. To be tempted is not a sin, but giving in to temptation is a sin.
Jesus is both God and man. Jesus’ time on earth, in flesh, allowed Him to identify with human beings. His time in the wilderness, isolated and alone with His hunger and with the beasts of the wilderness, He faced the same temptations we do. He was not exempt from any form of temptation. Yet, unlike Eve, He overcame temptation.
And the angels were serving him. Mark 1:13b
Jesus, in the wilderness, allowed the angels to minister to His needs. Leaning on Scripture, and His relationship with God, He was victorious against all forms of temptations. We, too, can let the One who understands our battles, minister to our needs in the heat of the moment.
We are not alone in our thoughts. Just like the angels were with Jesus, God is with us too. No matter how lonely we feel in our personal wilderness, regardless of how dangerous it feels to have the wild animals circling our sanity, we are in the presence of the One who dwells in our midst. For this reason, we can sing for joy and be glad. We can worship the One worthy of our praise and adoration.
Sing for joy and be glad, O daughter of Zion; for behold I am coming and I will dwell in your midst. Zechariah 2:10

In reading the account of the wilderness in Matthew 4:1-11 (read HERE), I found a few things to remember in times of temptation:
- It is not enough to know the Scriptures; we must also obey them. Satan even knew Scripture, but he failed to follow it.
- Faith is believing even without seeing. Jesus answered Satan in response to his taunting in Matthew 4:6, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” (Deuteronomy. 6:16) We do not need a sign from God to believe in Him.
- Know the context. The Bible is not a book of great quotes and one-liners. It is the very Word of God. When the Scriptures speak to you, God is talking to you. Only when you know the whole Bible, will you be able to recognize when it is taken out of context. Spend time learning the Word of God.
- Focus on the power of God. Satan tempted God by trying to distract Him into looking upon what the world had to offer. When we are being enticed by material, worldly things, we can quote Jesus by saying, “Worship the Lord, your God, and serve him only.” (Matthew 4:10)
“Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.” Matthew 4:11
Heavenly Father, I thank you that you don’t leave me alone in the wilderness. I pray for the Holy Spirit to teach me the Scriptures at a deeper level this year so I may grow in my faith. Help me Lord to focus on your power when I am tempted, I desire to worship and serve only you God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.