How To Set Up A War Binder For Your Time With God, Using My Free Printable
A War Binder, Prayer Journal, or Prayer Binder, is a resource for you to use in your prayer life. It is a way to organize, visualize, and departmentalize, your thoughts, prayers, and resources.
The term ‘war binder” may have come from the movie “The War Room,” where Ms. Clara guides a struggling wife in creating her own “war room” as a place to pray, reflect on scripture and give thanks. A war binder is like having an entire war room in one convenient location.
Today we are going to cover how to make your own War Binder, using my free, printable, The Ultimate Prayer Journal Kit.
What is included in the Ultimate Prayer Journal Kit?

- Three options for your Title page
- 14 Days of Week pages (two options)
- 8 Category pages
- P.R.A.Y. Method and Journal page
- 12 months of Prayer Prompts
- A quote and three bookmarks
So, what else goes into a War Binder?
- Prayers
- Prayer Prompts
- Scripture
- Gratitude
- Journal
- Inspiration
- Answered Prayers
- Testimony
- Reflection
- Affirmations
- Photo’s
- Drawings
- Printables
- Anything else that inspires you!
How do I get started? Do I need special supplies?
The only supplies you need to have is a place to put your print outs. I used a three-ring binder, with a place to insert my Title page in the front. I also use plastic sheet protectors in mine to keep the divider pages protected.
Once you have downloaded the kit (we are almost there!), you can choose which pages you want to print and get started!
Check out my Pinterest Board “Prayer Matters” for many other ideas and printables you can incorporate into your binder. (Link to Pinterest HERE)
Ok, to receive your free download of The Ultimate Prayer Journal Kit, simply click on the link below, and receive your kit within a few minutes!
The-Ultimate-Prayer-Binder-.pdf (lauriehampton.com)
The form you have selected does not exist.

MaryBeth Winkle
I’m so excited!! Thank you! I look forward to your emails!!
Glad to have you in the tribe!
Jeanne H
This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing! God bless you!
Thank you Jeanne, I hope you like using it too!
Thank you for sharing! I can not wait!
Jacqueline Reed
Looking forward to following you as I read Fervent with my sister & mother-in-law!
Love this, I pray you find as much delight in Fervent as I did!
Thank you for the help with starting my War Binder.
Carlie Stephenson
Excited to get the free War binder. I have been looking for ideas and appreciate the guidance.
Brandy Beckman
I’m excited to get the free printable. Thank you
Kimberly Gilpen
I am so excited to learn
Amanda Thompson
Excited to see where my faith journey takes me!
I would love to start with a war binder. Thank you for the opportunity to get one.
Is the war room printable still available? It says the link is not available. Am I doing something wrong?
Lora Riggs
Thank you so much!!
Faith Smith
I really would love to have the War Binder/Prayer Binder, as I know it would help my prayer life alot.
Thank you for offering it to me!
God bless you, Laurie!
Faith Smith
Prayer binder
Tracy Smith
I would love to stay my prayer journal thanks
Tracy Smith
I think this would be great for my first bible journal. Can’t wait to start my journey
Hi, love your page. Do you still offer the free printable for the war binder? There is no link to fill out the form
Kelly Jo Middleton
Thrilled to be here and look forward to the printables.
I do, check out the resource page. The password is Beautiful.
Thank you, check out the Resource tab. The password is Beautiful.
Yes, check out the resourse page. The password is Beautiful.