Fixing the broken through confession

Fixing What is Broken

Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Proverbs 28:13

It was not a big deal. In fact, it had been this way for years. Every time I reached for a paper towel, I needed to secure the rod-side of the holder, because it was broken. Each time I replaced the roll, I mentally reminded myself, I should fix this or get a new paper towel holder. Yet, I did nothing. Perhaps you have some minor household annoyance you’ve been working around for too long.

I eventually replaced the paper towel holder, and now I laugh at myself every time I grab a paper towel. I cannot believe I let the small inconvenience of fixing what was broken steal years of peace from me.

Sometimes we try to patch up or gloss over the spiritual brokenness in our lives, too. They often have little impact on our day-to-day lives. It’s not like they are ruining our relationships or draining our savings accounts. They are just minor sins, right? But all sin separates us from Christ. There is no such thing as six degrees of separation or a sliding scale. But I‘ve learned that, just like my paper towel holder, an early fix saves me a lot of heartache down the road. Those who hide their sins suffer. Those who confess their sins find mercy. I need a lot of mercy. How about you?

Below are a few examples of sin we may be tempted to ignore or minimize, but God wants you to see how easy it is to fix the broken places in our relationship with Him. If you recognize yourself in any of these scenarios or if God brings to mind other “minor” sins, go to Him and let Him help you heal what has broken.

Maybe you are like me and deal with fear and worry? 1 John 4:18 tells us, “There is no fear in love.” God is love. His love is perfect; we should have nothing to fear. This attitude of mine implies a lack of faith. God understands we need to come to Him with a repentant heart and confess our fear. Our relationship with God is repaired through our confession and letting Him heal our brokenness.

Other times our brokenness bursts through the door boasting of all our good deeds. So many of us like to display our faithful acts so others will know what good Christians we are. Or, if you are like me, you might feel you have to prove your goodness to others. Christ is not concerned with your tally sheet; He cares about your heart and your motivation. If you have found yourself boasting, stop and talk to God about getting your heart in a place where you don’t have to prove your goodness.  Trust in the God who sees and knows you.

Recently, my neighbor invited me over to see her new kitchen remodel. The granite countertops were beautiful, the freshly painted cabinets really wowed you when you walked in, and the new hardwood floors were magnificent. I instantly wanted a kitchen to remodel too! But my budget tells me that a kitchen remodel is not in the near future.

Perhaps the disciples would have liked the latest NauticStar fishing boat, Birkenstock sandals would have relieved sore soles, and Jesus might have enjoyed a My Pillow to lay His head on every night. Fine possessions and updated appliances are not worth the price we pay for coveting what is not ours to have. Instead of focusing on what we don’t have, we can thank God for what we have. I don’t need granite countertops to offer up hospitality to my family and friends. New cabinets don’t hold meaningful relationships. Lord, forgive me for my discontent.

Sins such as fear, pride, and coveting open the door of our hearts to the enemy of our souls. Before long, we have a habit of pride, a consistent attitude of fear, and cannot stop comparing our stuff to other’s possessions. The point is not perfection, but proximity. Our sin separates us from God, but repentance brings us closer to Him. Yes, we will still mess up and sin, but what if we learned a new cycle of messing up and immediately dealing with it? I bet that would become a habit before long? Want to try with me?

Heavenly Father, I never want to go years with brokenness in our relationship. Please show me the things that keep me from being fully with you, so I can confess and move forward. Thanks for your grace and mercy over me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Relevant Bible Verses

1 John 4:18 – There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. (NIV)

Psalm 139: 1-2 – “Lord, you have examined me and know all about me. You know when I sit down and when I get up. You know my thoughts before I think them.” (ICB)

Reflect and Respond

What do you believe you gain by ignoring sin in your life? How would your life improve if you dealt with this sin right now?

Do you feel like confession is a punishment? According to 1 John 4:18, what is the truth about our fear of punishment?

Can you pray and ask God to show you places the enemy has been trying to hide your sin and ask God for freedom?

Related Resources

In this devotion titled, The Spiritual Discipline of Living an Examined Life, you will learn how turning your prayers inward towards the soul where God lives is key to seeking hidden sin.

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