What Does it Mean to Really Believe in God?
I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. 1 John 5:1
At the end of the Youth For Christ rally every Saturday, there would be an altar call. A time where the Pastor invited you to come to the front of the church and make a commitment to Jesus. During this special time, we would raise our voices in unison to the song, “Just As I Am”. As a confused teenager who questioned her worth in every way, before the end of the first verse I would make my way to the alter to recommit my life to Christ. I did this many times. Being unsure of how I could be worthy of this gift and afraid I had messed up again drew me to the altar each week.
Salvation is the deliverance from sin and its consequences brought about by faith in Christ. If you are struggling with your worthiness of such a gift, you are not alone. But, the good news is, salvation and the promise of eternal life with our Father come from facts, not feelings. Two questions to ask yourself if you are questioning your salvation:
- Have you made an intentional choice to follow Jesus?
- How has this choice affected your life?”?
Notice what questions are not part of this validation process? Inquest about your sinful failures (we all have them), investigation into your goodness (we are all imperfect), and a measurement of your works or deeds. John penned, in these passages we read in 1 John, some evidence we can use to prove our salvation. I am sure you will see how your salvation is affecting your life through these truths.
When you pray, God listens. 1 John 5:14-15 says, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.“ As Christians, we hunger after God’s will for our lives, trusting Him to want the best for us. God knows and hears you.
Do you pray for loved ones lost in sin? Perhaps someone who struggles with addictions, anger, or fear? Has your heart been moved to intercede for them? This is the work of the Holy Spirit who moved in with you when you committed yourself to God. God is using you to do Kingdom work.
John talks of the One born of God, the One who does not sin, the One who keeps us safe. As we continue to sin, we have the freedom to go before Christ, ask for forgiveness, and then go on serving our King. God has freed us from the slavery of our sin and continues to keep us safe from Satan’s attacks. Glory to God for setting us free!
John leaves us with one simple warning, however, before we go. “Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.“ Why do you think John ends the chapter with this short, but powerful warning? Substituting true faith with an attractive imposter—the love of food, money, or sex, for instance—is just too easy. This is not a scare tactic but a kindness. It is like when my teenage son leaves, and I say, “Drive carefully.“ It is a guidance of love. Father God loves you so much!
Hearing the truth of God’s Word will assure you of your salvation. If you have never given your life over to Christ and would like to do so today, I would love to have you come forward and make that commitment.
Heavenly Father, today I come forward in faith and commit or re-commit my life to you. I know I will never be worthy by my own efforts to merit salvation. Thank you that you have offered me the gift of salvation, simply by trusting in you as my Lord Jesus and Savior. Thank you Jesus for paying the full price for my sin by dying on the cross. Thank you, that by Your death and resurrection wash my sins away. I accept this gift knowing there is nothing left for me to do except to believe in you as my Savior. I accept my reservation for a special place in heaven for all eternity. In Jesus‘ name. Amen.
Relevant Bible Verses
Acts 4:12 – Salvation is found in not one else, for there is not other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.
Titus 3:5 – He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
Reflect and Respond
What did John mean when he said we are to ask God for anything according to His will?
Read 1 John 5:13-21. What certainties in this passage are most encouraging to you?
Respond in prayer by asking God to give you His assurance of His salvation and pray for the salvation of your loved ones who may not know the Lord yet.
Related Resources
- Just As I Am – Altar Call – YouTube
- (1) Just As I Am, without One Plea – Christian music – Lyric Video – YouTube