The Screwtape Letters Series – Introduction
Who is C.S. Lewis?
One could quote from this website many facts about C.S. Lewis, and by following the link, you may choose to indulge in the points of this literary wonder. But I want to share a brief background of who Lewis was, based on what I found interesting.
Most of you probably have at least heard of C.S. Lewis, known for such books as Mere Christianity, the Chronicles of Narnia series, and my favorite, The Screwtape Letters. He is one of the most well-known and often quoted Christian authors of the twentieth century.
As a sickly child who lost his mother at an early age, Clive Staple abandoned his faith and became an atheist at the age of 13. He did not return to faith until the age of 33.
I think Lewis’ writing is so compelling because of the years he lived as an atheist. Observing Christianity from the outside and questioning everything led Lewis to proclaim to be a “most reluctant convert” to faith. But after scrutinizing the world’s views of life, he found them wanting. His pilgrimage to faith brought him to where he entered with his whole heart, mind, and soul.
I have never taken a pilgrimage of faith to the point of questioning all my Christian beliefs. I heard the gospel, I believe it, and I live it. The closest I have come to an examination of my faith is in the writing of this blog. As I pray and write, I am constantly conversing with the Lord and asking myself why I think what I think and if I believe what I say.
You can glean anything else you need to know about C.S. Lewis by reading his books. As a humble man who loves the Lord, he would not want you to ponder his intellect, his literary genius, or pay tribute to him as a writer. He once said, “The only thing of any importance about me is what I have to say.” In other words, read his works, and you will know what is important to him and about him.
Do I have to read the book to follow along?
As I write this series of blog posts, I want to create a place where you glean a transformative message, whether you read the book, The Screwtape Letters, or not. I will refer to the enlightenment I gained from the letters and summarize the main points.
However, if you would like to read along with the series, you may purchase a copy of the book HERE.
Once again, it will not be necessary to read the book to find value in its message. That is why I am studying and writing these blog posts!

What are the Screwtape Letters?
The book aims to bring us insight into the battles we fight in the spiritual world. It is written from the perspective of Satan, with the point being to show the psychology of temptation from the other point of view.
The story of one man’s conversion to Christianity is told through a series of letters written from Screwtape, an undersecretary in the lowerarchy of Hell, to his nephew, Wormwood, a junior devil who has just been awarded his first “Patient”. Each letter contains instructions from Screwtape to Wormwood on how to mess with the man’s thoughts and gradually guide him closer to Hell.
Throughout the book and these blog posts, we will refer to the young man interested in converting to Christianity as The Patient. In this story, God is considered The Enemy and will be characterized as an ever-present, powerful being capable of loving “human vermin.” The Devil, worshipped by Screwtape and Wormwood, is called, Our Father Below. Do you see how screwy these letters are going to sound?

What life-long lessons will I learn?
Twenty years ago, I was in a small group through my church. We embarked upon a deep dive into the book, The Screwtape Letters, led by a member who obtained her college degree in Literature. She guided us through a college-level study of this book. The lessons I learned transformed me. I credit this study with making me brave enough to endure and persevere the ongoing battle between the external war and the spiritual war raging inside me.
In this series, I will address:
- Making a plan for a dedicated prayer life.
- Maintaining a transparent relationship with God.
- Moving the muscles of faith to go through the valleys of life and climb the mountains.
- Maneuvering through worldly relationships as a Christian.
- Managing emotions while maintaining hope.
- Marking the red flags that indicate you are drifting away from your faith.
Are you ready to be transformed? My prayer as a “Scribe4God,” is always to write words that do more than inform. To write words that transform.
Heavenly Father, I pray for your divine guidance as I study for and write this series. May the Holy Spirit lead me to write words that have your power to transform lives. I pray for you to open the hearts and minds of every person who reads these messages and for the Holy Spirit to enlighten them to see the message you have already planned to use in their lives. Protect us, Lord, as we enter the battleground, fighting with your power and in your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Next Week
Join me next week as we learn to pray as our lives depend on it (because they do).
Interesting Facts
C.S. Lewis dedicated The Screwtape Letters to his good friend J.R.R. Tolkien.
Lewis and Tolkien belonged to a writing group called The Inklings.
Tolkien credited Lewis with encouraging him to finish and publish The Lord of the Rings.