The Screwtape Letters – Pray As If Your Life Depends on It
In letter #1, Screwtape (Head demon of Hell) tells Wormwood (Screwtape’s nephew and intern of sorts) a story of a time when they brought a soul safely into Our Father’s (The Devil’s) house. The Patient (a human seeking to convert to Christianity) was having a moment with the Lord while sitting in a museum.
Screwtape had invested twenty years into this one patient, making sure he was a sound atheist. He was freaking out because The Enemy (God) began working on The Patient’s heart. Screwtape could have attempted an argument with the man, but he was not such a fool. Instead, he struck at the part of the man which he had the most control and suggested that it was time for lunch.
A sad story for sure. This man will spend his eternity in Hell over a quick lunch. The Devil will make an attractive deal with you every time, offering up whatever you desire at the moment. But he will never tell you the price you have to pay in the end. We need a plan to guard our souls from such attacks. What part of your soul is most vulnerable to attack?
The Painful Subject of Prayer
In letter #4, Screwtape chastises Wormwood for his amateurish thoughts and tells him it is high time to discuss the painful subject of prayer. He begins by stating the obvious solution to the problem of prayer – keep The Patient from praying altogether.
I think this is in part why I write on prayer so often. I have had days pass when I have not prayed, I am sure. Yet, the most productive element of my spiritual growth is rooted in active prayer life. No wonder the enemy wants to keep me from praying!
Screwtape’s second suggestion to keep The Patient from having a vibrant prayer life is to keep him praying in a “parrot-like nature.” These types of prayers are when we pray a rote prayer based upon tradition, for instance, a mealtime or bedtime prayer. Not that these are wrong, he is just saying when our heart is not engaged with the Lord, our prayers will not be effective.
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16b (NKJV)
The Effective, Fervent Prayer
In letter #27, we see the developing prayer life of The Patient becoming a more significant concern to The Father Below (The Devil). Although Satan is a master at distraction, when The Patient’s prayers become too intense and more sincere, he is told that distraction may stop working. Screwtape now advises Wormwood to convince him that answers to his prayers will happen whether he prays or not.
Have you ever fallen down the rabbit hole of wondering if it matters that you pray? Or assumed your prayers are ineffective towards a potential outcome because God is all-knowing, and the answers to your prayers are what will happen or not happen anyway?
It can be tempting to wonder if our prayers make a difference. The following quote from letter #27 sounds like a promising way to stop your prayer mid-sentence. But don’t be fooled!
Don’t forget to use the “heads I win, tails you lose” argument. If the thing he prays for doesn’t happen, then that is one more proof that petitionary prayers don’t work; if it does happen, he will, of course, be able to see some of the physical causes which led up to it, and “therefore it would have happened anyway…” – Screwtape
Playing both sides of the coin argument creates a feeling that your prayers don’t make any difference at all. It takes our focus off the nature and character of God, off of the relationship we have with God, and focuses us on the results of our prayers. God is not a genie in a bottle. When we make a petition to God, a request, we must remember it is just that. A proposal that may or may not be granted. The sovereignty of God will always do what is best for us.
God’s Perspective of Time
In Revelation 22:13, we learn that God is “the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” God operates in the unbound now, meaning the past, present, and future are one for Him.
We live within the constraints of time and see the past, present, and future as separate. In our prayer lives, we find it challenging to separate God from the time restraints we experience. This can limit our prayers to our reality, and we forget God’s dominion over time. God can see us in the past, present, and future at the same time.
Free Will Enters the Equation
In the book of John, Christ tells us we can ask for anything in His name, and He will give it to us. This assumes that we are not asking for things that would not glorify God.
And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so the Father may glorified in the Son. John 14:13
So, if we pray for our spouse or adult children to attend church regularly, read their Bible more, and worship God in spirit and truth so that their relationship with God is stronger, that would be considered a request that honors God. However, free will now enters the equation. In response to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, they can either get up or stay in bed. The Bible can sit collecting dust on the bedside table or they can pick it up and read. Are you starting to see the point?
Pray as if your life depends upon it.
Every prayer we pray has eternal significance. We must continue to pray as if our lives depend upon it, because they do.
Today, we discussed how Satan would use all sorts of tactics to keep us from praying. We now understand why Screwtape considers prayer a painful subject. When he can’t keep us from praying, he will distract us. When he cannot distract us, he will try to convince us our prayers don’t make a difference.
Fervent prayer keeps your true identity in focus. Reminds us of who we really are and taps into the power we really have in Christ. – Priscilla Shirer
In my Bible Study notes on Priscilla Shirer’s book, Fervent, I detail the importance and impact of heartfelt prayer. You can check that series out HERE.
Let Us Pray
Heavenly Father, I stand before you today, in the name of Jesus, and ask for your protection over my prayer life. You chose and appointed me to go into the world and bear fruit. You have given me free will to tap into the power I have in you and for my prayers to be effective. I want to be part of your Kingdom plan as a prayer warrior, being brave enough to tap into all the power I really have in Christ. Praise your holy name. Amen.
Join me next week for part three of our series based on The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. We will be looking at humility, hope, and happiness.

One Comment
Sailing Soohoo
Thank you for all the truth found in prayer life