Expect A Testimony
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:2
I was shocked. I could not believe this was happening to me. What had I done to deserve such unfair treatment? I needed help to process this. I wanted to tell everyone about how the world had wronged me.
So, I grabbed the donuts, called my husband in a fit of rage, and focused intently on my perceived right to an immediate solution.
Should I expect God to do a miracle?
The situation I am in feels like it will require a miracle to bring all to Justice. To right the wrong, to heal my battered heart.
Did you know there are 18 miracles of God recorded in the book of Mark? People needed God to remind them that their help comes from the Lord in each of these instances. And God showed them His limitless power. The Lord healed the sick, calmed the storms, fed the hungry, and restored peace to those in unrest. In my article, Do You Believe in Miracles?, I invite you to realize God’s limitless power over all the earth, including our current circumstances.
But am I living expectantly?
Have you ever heard the saying, “Can’t see the forest for the trees?” Meaning, sometimes we miss the clear path to victory because we are so focused on our problem. I was so fixated on my perception of what I deserved, how I wanted the situation handled, my hurt and pain, that I forgot my help comes from the Lord, not donuts.
In the story from Mark 4 where Jesus calms the storm, we see a similar situation. When wind and wave crashed around them, the disciples focused all their attention on the disturbance. They even accused Jesus of not caring if they drowned! Jesus then quieted the squall with just a few words and inquired about the disciples’ faith.
Am I fixated on the storm? Do I hear Jesus asking where my faith is?
Instead of focusing my attention on my perceived circumstances, what if I focused on God’s ability to quiet the storm? How would my life be different if I lived with this kind of expectation? If I focus on God’s goodness instead of my issues? I want to expect a miracle. I want to have a testimony to share.
God’s answers to our problems are 100% of the time, better than the ones we dream up! – Me
When doubt starts asking questions.
As I examined my heart and got honest about my doubts, I discovered a touch of hidden unbelief. What if God disappoints me? What if He does not solve my problem? Will I be mad at God? I don’t want to be disappointed in my faith.
But the truth is—even if you never get healed, never get the money you need, an apology is never offered, the situation never changes—you still got Jesus. You still have everything you need. Because the moment we shift our focus from our problem to God’s goodness, we have received what we were always looking for.
It is well with my soul
You might want to bookmark this blog post and watch for Part 2 because I’m still in the thick of it here. My situation is unchanged as of today. Justice is still not served. But today, I choose to see myself, not as my problems, but as my potential. Because I believe we serve a miracle-working God!
Once we shift our focus, we have access to God in a way we never had before. I can feel the difference. Would you like to change your focus? Would you like for everything to be well with your soul, even if your situation doesn’t change?
Heavenly Father, the God of miracles. We choose to focus on you and your goodness today. Forgive our unbelief. I want access to all of you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.