I struggle with my creativity. I long to use my creative side, but I hesitate. I worry that what I create might not look as good as your work, her work, or his work. Perhaps my creations won’t be pin-worthy or adored on Facebook. So, I hesitate. Does this ever happen to you?
But recently I discovered I am missing the point. My creativity is not an action I complete for you, her, or him. Being creative is part of the process of acknowledging and celebrating the unique way God created ME. It allows me to make something from personal feelings and experiences that connect me to my Creator. I fulfill the need in my soul and feed the hunger of my heart when I stop hesitating and make art.
What has kept you from unlocking your most creative self? Perhaps, like me, it’s fear or a lack of belief in your own creative ability? By comparing my work to yours, hers, and his, I have suffocated my genuine desire to create.
Your Tada Moment
When I was a little girl, I would run to my mom or dad as soon as I finished an art project and say, “Tada…look what I made!” I knew I could count on them to tell me how beautiful my coloring page, macaroni necklace, tissue paper sun-catcher, or any other thing I made was. I would often see my mom proudly display my artwork on the place of high honor for anyone’s best work—the refrigerator.
Today, my inner child still longs for her Tada moment. Being able to run and show what I did to someone who appreciates the precious heart of the creator and her process more than the art itself. I am blessed to have parents who continue to support my creative endeavors, but more importantly, I have my Heavenly Father to run to with my first Tada moments every time—trusting the actual Creator of all creation, to smile down at me and say “well done.” I can imagine God’s refrigerator covered with all His children’s artwork!
Why {ish}?
I add the {ish} to remind myself that I am beautifully broken and perfectly imperfect. It is in the cracks of my brokenness, where God’s glory and light shine in and illuminate the creative way for my soul to follow. Letting go of the need for perfection releases my mind from the comparison trap. When I remember these two things, I can stop hesitating and create.
Are you in? Will you join me on this creative journey?
Make sure to sign up for my Newsletter, so you never miss a new opportunity to create with us here at Beautifully Broken as we fill up God’s refrigerator door with our masterpieces.