S.O.A.P. Bible Study
If you are looking for a way to study scripture and get more out of your time in the Word, the SOAP Bible Study will benefit you. The SOAP Bible Study method can guide you in God’s Word and help you remember the truths He reveals to you!
Make sure to grab the free printable at the bottom of the post!
Below you will find a simple breakdown of the SOAP Bible Study Method.
Scripture – Choose a few key verses that you want to dig in deeper on. Re-read the verse(s) again and then write them out. As you are writing out the verses, let the Holy Spirit lead you into the next step of observation.
As you read the Word of God today, read it with expectancy and anticipation for the changes it will make in you. – Dr. David Jeremiah
Observation – Use your study Bible, Bible dictionary, or on-line resources to answer these questions:
- What is the overall theme of this Scripture?
- Who are the key people?
- What actions are they taking? What are the results of those actions?
- What is the central lesson God is trying to teach us through this Scripture?
Application – Time to get personal. How does this scripture relate to me or my circumstances? How is God speaking to me through this passage? Take some time to journal your thoughts and ideas.
Prayer – Give thanks to the Lord for what He has shown you through His Word. Ask Him for wisdom in applying these truths. I love writing out my prayers and then praying them out loud.
If you read my devotions, you should recognize this pattern. This is how I study and research the Word of God, the devotions are written in response to my observations and how I am applying the truths God revealed to me.
Don’t forget to grab the free printable and try one for yourself!